Our Vision
Our vision is to reform and reshape the experiences of incarceration, transition, and re-entry of offenders for the benefit of all society.
From Brokenness to Wholeness – The Roadmap
- The journey begins by establishing a structured re-education community inside prison.
- Phase 2 is a pre-planned, supported, supervised, and managed transition to society.
- Phase 3 is long-term sustainable housing, employment, and family reunification.
- Anyone who has invested much time interacting with incarcerated populations can quickly identify common characteristics that are clinically referred to as “Criminogenic Factors or Influences”. While these factors are generally non-debatable and have been studied for decades, the solutions to addressing and correcting these influences are anything but clear.
- Our LifeLink staff, Board of Directors, and volunteer instructors have amassed decades of accumulated experience of serving this population as well as inclusion of some as former members of this population. Our expertise and applied strategies are derived from life experiences, knowledge and the wisdom gained from years of studies and application.
- We believe that our unique process bridges many of the existing gaps that cause chronic failures in the cycle of incarceration, corrections and re-entry into society. Valuing the humanity of those incarcerated and recognizing that whether incarcerated or free, men and women should be treated with respect and the recognition that most of them have potential to become a valued member of society.
- LifeLink is a sub-contractor to the Alabama Department of Corrections and requires a dedicated residential housing unit inside each participating prison facility. The CORE program inside each facility is staffed by full-time employees of LifeLink.
- LifeLink CORE operates an office and fully equipped classrooms inside the housing units so we are always on-site to provide guidance and correction when needed. Our CORE staff manages the extensive curriculum delivery and the scheduling of volunteer instructors.
- We are currently operating CORE in Bibb County, St. Clair and Tutwiler Correctional Facilities. It is thoughtfully designed to produce a safe, healthy and orderly community. Our program exists to provide specialized education tailored for this unique population. As in every endeavor, a successful outcome is largely dependent on an intentional start that favors the odds of success. To this end, Lifelink selects ADOC offenders who demonstrate they have a desire to change their present and future life path. Once approved for inclusion, they are repopulated into the CORE residential dorm.