C‑Community O‑Opportunity R‑Reformation E‑Education
The CORE program operates in a structured residential environment located inside of the prison. We are currently operating CORE in Bibb, St. Clair and Tutwiler Correctional Facility. It is thoughtfully designed to produce a healthy and orderly community. Our program exists to provide specialized education tailored for this unique population. As in every endeavor, a successful outcome is largely dependent on an intentional start that favors the odds of success. To this end, Lifelink selects ADOC offenders who demonstrate they have a desire to change their present and future life path. Once approved for inclusion, they are repopulated into the CORE residential dorm. Phase one consists of 24-36 months of full-time, intensive studies including: responsible living, academics, cognitive behavioral thinking patterns, problem solving, vocational skills, life plans, moral reshaping and a variety of life/social skills, and reentry and job-readiness topics.